It pays to follow the tutorials and get used to sneaking up on and taking out enemies. Above all, the main tip is to savor the game, be patient, and make full use of the capabilities at your disposal. That makes it a lot easier to pick up Mankind Divided, even if you haven’t played it before. The good thing about Mankind Divided is that it comes with a 12-minute cinematic that shows you what happened in the previous game. The story is quite complicated, with lots of characters and lore. Mankind Divided follows the aftermath of the “Aug Incident” of the previous game, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, where augmented humans were manipulated into a genocide that killed 50 million natural humans. We’ve tried to minimize the spoilers, but you will find some here.
We played it on the Xbox One, but many of these tips are useful for all platforms. You’ll have to make a lot of choices, and we’ll help you through that with our tips and tricks. It’s a complicated game, with a lot of different paths. Both options are valid strategies in Mankind Divided, and you’ll find yourself trading off between them as discretion is often the better part of valor.