Unfortunately, neither of the two clans with Obfuscate are recommended for beginners. That being said a high stealth skill will get you a long way. This is down to their strong tie to the Camarilla and their mastery over the discipline ‘Thaumaturgy’, which is essentially blood magic. I wrote a blog about that as well, which you can find below. With their mastery in ‘Protean’, they can turn into the likes of bats, wolves and any other beast that takes their fancy (within reason). Rather than being Set’s followers, they see Set as being within them, making them his living church. Some of you might be confused by this and may think there are only seven clans if your exposure to VtM comes from the PC cult-classic ‘Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines’ (VtMB).
For Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'I like sneaking. I would argue it is more difficult for a player to embrace the role of a Giovanni. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (tips for newer players) on r/patientgamers. They see themselves as both a clan and sect. When I sat down to write this blog/list, I thought this would be a fairly simple task, but that turns out that was not the case at all, as seen by the picture to the left (or above, depending on where you are reading this blog).